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Summary of Primer to Individual Retirement Accounts

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Summary of Primer to Individual Retirement Accounts

Individual retirement accounts are an excellent way for people to save for retirement needs. There are many investment opportunities available to fund IRAs. And your contributions may be tax-deductible, too.

However, there are some strings attached. If your contributions are deductible, you will pay tax on your distributions. Furthermore, you are limited to when you can start taking distributions and when you must start taking them. Nevertheless, an IRA is worth looking into if you are considering additional funding for retirement income. If you choose to invest within your IRA, be sure to study the risks that these investments involve, including the possible loss of principal.

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What you have learned

  1. What Is a Traditional IRA?
  2. How You Can Fund Your IRA
  3. The Roth IRA
  4. How You Can Fund a Roth IRA

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