Learn the essentials of building an investment portfolio: how to set goals, gauge your risk, set your asset allocation, and choose investments.

There is more to a great portfolio than picking good investments. Here are five steps to designing a portfolio for your goals.

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How much do you need to retire? Once you know what your golden years will need from you, you can begin to make them happen now.

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If you want big returns, you must tolerate more risk. But how much risk can you take? To get started on it, read this short course.

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Life throws lots of surprises at you, many of them financial: the refrigerator dies, the radiator on the car goes out, we get a surprise tax bill, or a job is terminated. This is why it's important to have set aside a certain amount of cash for unforeseen occurrences. Doing so can buy you peace of mind while sacrificing spending for the short term.

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Finding the best asset mix is crucial to meeting your goals. But before you begin selecting investments, do some background work.

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A core holding is just what it sounds like: the central part of your portfolio. The core requires investments that will be reliable.

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Building a simple portfolio can be pretty simple, as this course shows. Many investors do well by going the simple route.

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Writing an investment policy statement is a must for creating a blueprint and monitoring your investments. Here's what's involved.

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How many investments are enough? Or too much? There is no right answer for everyone, but this short course will help you find an answer.

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Overlap can drag a portfolio down. Plus, one investment might do the job just as well. Here are some suggestions for avoiding overlap.

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