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Summary of Lifestyle Planning/ Setting Financial Goals

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Summary of Lifestyle Planning/ Setting Financial Goals

Setting financial goals can be a very rewarding experience. Think of it as building your financial house. It needs a solid blueprint, and you should take time to design it and determine what you ultimately want your financial house to look like and accomplish.

A little planning now will help you reach your goals. Use the goal-setting process and tools to get started planning your future today!

Things to do

  • Make a list of what you want to accomplish in your life. Consider family, education and career, financial goals, community involvement and physical activities.
  • Make a list of career interests you have to help you decide on what to study, where to study and where to look for a career opportunity once you graduate.
  • Make a list of short, intermediate and long-term financial goals important to you.
  • Study different investments to learn how they work.
  • Begin researching financial advisors to potentially meet with and schedule an appointment to interview them.
  • Evaluate how you spend your money on needs or wants. What want could you cut out so you can save more?
  • Use the financial roadmap worksheet to write SMART goals for each of the goals on your list.

What you have learned

  1. Choose Your Path after High School
  2. Setting Financial Goals
  3. Your Financial Goal Roadmap

Find out what you have learned