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Summary of Choosing a Financial Planner

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Summary of Choosing a Financial Planner

The more time you put in with a financial planner, the more you will get out of it. A financial planner is there to help you set and meet financial goals in all areas of your financial life. Your planner will take a look at where your finances are now, what your financial goals are, and what steps you can take to meet these goals. If you understand what financial planners can do for you, how they charge for services, and the different licenses they carry, you will have a better financial planning experience.

After you have talked with a planner, ask yourself some questions, such as these:

  • Do I like how this planner corresponded with me?
  • Did the planner ask me questions?
  • Did the planner seem interested in me?
  • Do I feel comfortable sharing my financial information with this planner?

Make sure that the planner you choose is truly invested in you. Nothing is more valuable than your time, so make sure you spend it wisely to get what you need from a financial planner.

Things to do

  • Look at the areas of your financial life—debt, taxes, investing, etc.—and ask yourself whether you would benefit from professional financial help.
  • Ask your financial advisor how he or she will charge for the services provided.
  • Research financial planners on your own, using the Websites for the various professional associations. If you find one in your area who seems suitable, contact him or her about making an appointment to talk.
  • Contact your bank or credit union to find out whether there are financial planners working there. If so, make an appointment to talk with one.
  • Research financial planners in the Yellow Pages or on Google. You can do a search for them on the Internet.
  • Ask trusted people—family members, elders, etc.—to recommend some financial planners.
  • Write down some questions to ask a financial planner during an interview. Feel free to add additional ones. Keep it handy for when you visit with a planner for an interview.

What you have learned

  1. What Is a Financial Planner?
  2. What Do Financial Planners Do?
  3. How Are Financial Planners Compensated?
  4. Where Can You Find a Financial Planner?
  5. Questions to Ask Your Financial Planner

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