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What does BrokerCheck allow you to do?
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Find out whether a broker or financial planner is ethical and legitimate. BrokerCheck lets you look up a broker's or planner's professional standing.
A financial plan should be _______.
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All of the above. A financial plan should be all of these, and more.
Some financial planners seldom stay in contact with their clients.
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True. Some are hands-off, while others are more hands-on. This is why you should ask.
Some financial planners can also buy and sell investments for you.
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True. If they have the licenses for it, they can offer this service.
Your financial planner receives 2 percent of the amount invested in a mutual fund from the mutual fund company. This is known as _______.
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A commission. Some planners who are also licensed insurance agents, stockbrokers, or financial advisors get paid by receiving a percentage of what you invest from the underwriter or investment company.