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Summary of Saving for Short, Mid and Long-Term Goals

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Summary of Saving for Short, Mid and Long-Term Goals

In this tutorial, we’ve discussed some information about how important it is to determine your savings goals and set up time frames around accomplishing those goals. Once you’ve decided what your life and financial goals are, you can attach some timeframe to those goals and begin the process of saving to meet those goals. Some goals, like retirement, will take years to achieve, while other, more short-term goals, can be accomplished in a year or two.

Now that you understand how important it is to save for you goals, we’d like to encourage you to actually begin the process of establishing goals and putting aside the money so those goals can become a reality.

Practical Ideas I can Start with Today

  • Decide on three goals and determine whether they are short, mid or long-term in nature.
  • Open a savings account to meet one of those goals and deposit some money as part of a regular savings plan to meet that goal.

What you have learned

  1. What Are Short, Mid and Long-Term Goals?
  2. Saving For Short-Term Goals
  3. Saving For Mid-Term Goals
  4. Saving For Long-Term Goals

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