Image for Introduction to Choosing a Savings or Checking Account

Introduction to Choosing a Savings or Checking Account

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Choose savings and checking accounts carefully and maximize savings and convenience. This tutorial also covers some topics for teens.

What you will learn

  • Evaluating Banks and Credit Unions
  • Evaluating Financial Institution Fees
  • Checking Accounts
  • Online Savings and Checking Accounts
  • Savings and Checking Accounts for Teenagers

What do you know?

Introduction to Choosing a Savings or Checking Account

Choosing a savings or checking account at a financial institution should be done with about the same care as choosing a stock investment or other asset. Many consumers don’t give much thought to what to consider, thinking that these accounts are too alike to warrant careful thought. But when you consider that you could miss a lot of opportunities here or there, perhaps a few hours of evaluation doesn’t seem so pointless after all.