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Summary of Identity Theft

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Summary of Identity Theft

It may seem that guarding your identity is a big job, covering everything from your phone to your papers to your computer and even your friends. These days, even social media sites are ripe grounds for identity thieves. Identity theft is one of the unfortunate downsides of being so connected in so many ways with so many other parties.

Luckily, there is a wealth of information and tips for you to follow. Sites like,, and exist to help you learn what you need to prevent and respond to compromises of your identity.

Practical Ideas I Can Start with Today

  • Look up my state’s laws against identity theft.
  • Keep track of all of my usernames and passwords. Change the passwords periodically.
  • Shred all of my financial papers after I am done with them.
  • Access my credit report every year from
  • Secure my computers and other electronic devices.

What you have learned

  1. What Is Identity Theft?
  2. How Can Your Identity Be Stolen?
  3. Forms of Identity Theft
  4. How Identity Theft Affects Your Life
  5. Preventing Identity Theft

Find out what you have learned