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Summary of How Your Daily Habits Impact Your Wallet

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Summary of How Your Daily Habits Impact Your Wallet

In this tutorial, we’ve discussed how activities you engage in every day and the money you spend doing those things can impact your wallet and your overall financial life. It’s all too easy to just spend here and there without thinking about it, so we hope the ideas we’ve provided will help you get a better handle on your daily spending. Using these tips, you can examine what you’re doing and create better habits that can lead to more savings and a happier financial outlook for your family.

Now that you understand how your habits can impact your wallet, we’d like to encourage you to curb unnecessary spending and put a little money in your budget for splurging.

Practical Ideas I Can Start with Today

  • Change one habit that costs more money than I’d like to spend, and take the savings and put it into a savings account.
  • Find one fun, free activity in my community that I can do to be nice to myself.
  • Use a budget calculator to help me see where my money is going and what expenses I can cut out. Use this calculator.

What you have learned

  1. What Are You Spending Your Money On?
  2. Understanding What to Buy and When to Buy It
  3. Unnecessary and Impulsive Spending
  4. Plan Your Spending

Find out what you have learned