Image for Introduction to Responding to Identity Theft

Introduction to Responding to Identity Theft

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Identity theft is a crime that takes on many harmful forms. Take these restorative steps if your identity has been stolen.

What you will learn

  • Steps to Take if Your Identity Has Been Stolen
  • Dealing with Accounts That Have Been Used Fraudulently
  • Contacting the Proper Authorities When Your Identity Has Been Stolen
  • Cleaning Up Your Credit after Identity Theft

What do you know?

Introduction to Responding to Identity Theft

Identity theft is a crime that takes on many insidious forms, leaving a trail that can be hard to pick up on and follow. Despite the high number of victims, many people remain unaware of how to respond to identity theft. If you believe that you are a victim of identity theft or fear that you may become one—for example, you lost your wallet or gave personal information to a stranger—take the following steps immediately.