Image for Summary of What Goes Where? The Art of Asset Location

Summary of What Goes Where? The Art of Asset Location

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Summary of What Goes Where? The Art of Asset Location

Taxable or non-taxable accounts? Most of us will probably find this too much of a headache to think about for our deposit accounts. And if we've got investments perking away for decades to fund our retirement, this question may also be a non-issue to us.

Since the tax treatment of investments changes frequently, what might be an optimal asset placement today might not be in the near future. As well, it would help to factor in early withdrawal penalties.

At the very least, you should now know how to think about asset location for your future needs. The day might come when you find it useful for some investments.

What you have learned

  1. Why Is Asset Location Such a Sticky Wicket?
  2. Tax-Sheltered Accounts = High Returners with High Tax Costs
  3. Taxable Accounts = Higher Returners with Low Tax Costs
  4. Taxable and Tax-Sheltered Accounts = Lower Returners with High Tax Costs

Find out what you have learned