Image for Summary of Strategies for Selling

Summary of Strategies for Selling

(5 of 5)

Summary of Strategies for Selling

With the handy insights in this tutorial, you should feel a little more comfortable about making the decision of whether to sell an investment. Just having some perspective is a good start to making many investors sleep a little more soundly. There's more involved in it, of course. Like many parts of investing, there are nuances that aren't always apparent unless you're very experienced.

If you need to do some math regarding possible capital gains taxes, there are many calculators online that could give you an estimate of what you'd lose to taxes if you did decide to sell.

What you have learned

  1. Just How Big a Gain Are You Looking At?
  2. When to Sell and Accept the Tax Consequences
  3. When to Think about Waiting to Sell an Investment

Find out what you have learned