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Summary of How to Invest for College

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Summary of How to Invest for College

Saving for college is fraught with anxiety for most of us because the cost has gotten so high over the years. It’s not unheard-of for a four-year degree to cost as much as a fine English luxury car, and then you never know whether it will be put to productive use afterward.

Thankfully, Uncle Sam has seen the light and opened up a lot of possibilities to give us a head start. These head starts should be seen as part of a larger world of possibilities—meaning that grants, scholarships and loans should fill out the rest. Good luck on your investing, and don’t be afraid to seek a financial planner for help.

What you have learned

  1. Choosing a College Savings Plan
  2. Education Savings Accounts
  3. Section 529 Plans: College Savings Plans
  4. Section 529 Plans: State Prepaid Tuition Plans
  5. Traditional IRAs for College Planning
  6. Roth IRAs for College Planning
  7. Uniform Gifts to Minors Act Accounts
  8. Turn Tame When the Time Is Right to Use Your College Savings

Find out what you have learned