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Introduction to The Best Investments for Taxable Accounts

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This course presents several investment options that are tax friendly even while being taxable.

What you will learn

  • Very-Low-Turnover Stock Funds and Tax-Managed Mutual Funds
  • Municipal Bonds or Municipal-Bond Funds
  • Individual Stocks and Exchange-Traded Funds
  • Variable Annuities
  • Other Ideas for Tax Relief

What do you know?

Introduction to The Best Investments for Taxable Accounts

You’ve invested all that you can in your employer-sponsored retirement plan. You’ve maxed out your IRA options, too. Yet you need to invest more to reach your goals. You need to set up a taxable account.

What types of investments should you keep in your taxable accounts if you want to minimize taxes? Here are six tax-friendly investment options, as well as strategies you can practice to minimize the tax bite.