Image for Summary of Socially Responsible Investing Funds

Summary of Socially Responsible Investing Funds

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Summary of Socially Responsible Investing Funds

In the old days, people who wanted their money to match their values were usually out of luck when it came to investing. This changed some decades ago when enterprising individuals declared that one could indeed become wealthy while sticking to his or her values. Now there is a big range of opportunities to choose from—not just with mutual funds, but also with individual stocks and bonds.

As with any investment program, it helps to first figure out what your burning issues are so that you can match them with investments that will help you feel that your money really is making the world a better place.

What you have learned

  1. What Issues Are Most Important to Me?
  2. How Does a Fund Screen Its Investments?
  3. Is This Fund Involved in Shareholder Activism and Community Investment?
  4. Is This a Good Investment, and How Do These Funds Work in My Portfolio?

Find out what you have learned