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A socially responsible investing fund might engage in shareholder activism within companies it owns because _______.
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It wants to change policies it disagrees with. A perfectly ethical company is a rarity; thus, a SRI fund might use activism to mold its companies to its wishes.
Socially responsible funds _______.
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May screen companies on different values; there's no one SRI approach. Although most SRI funds shun tobacco, alcohol, and nuclear-weapons manufacturers, they can screen on dozens of different criteria. There's no single approach.
Because of their ethical criteria, socially responsible funds outperform the average mutual fund.
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False. The results are not uniform. While some funds do outperform the average, there are many that either match it or do worse.
Which of the following investments would a socially responsible investing fund most likely accept in its portfolio?
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A grape grower. Of the four choices, this one is the least objectionable. (Where the grapes end up is, of course, another matter.)
A socially responsible investing fund _______.
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Might own an oil company. Although generally considered to be unfriendly to the environment, an oil company could be held in an environmentally concerned SRI fund if that fund takes a relative approach. That's why it's important to understand how a fund's screens work.