Build a solid foundation to start your mutual-fund investing off right.

Mutual funds are ready-made portfolios that offer professional management, diversification, and other convenient features.

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The net asset value is the value of a mutual fund share. Learn how it is determined and how the market can affect it.

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Mutual fund investors earn money in several ways -- interest, dividends, capital gains -- which we detail here.

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After reading this tutorial, you will recognize what is and is not taxable and what IRS forms you will need to fill out.

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Before you take up the challenges of buying mutual funds, decide whether you want help choosing funds or whether you'd do it yourself.

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Once you've got money to invest, you will want to decide whether to invest it all in one sum or in little bits, and on what schedule.

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Is it worthwhile to pay the expenses charged by mutual funds? In many cases, it is. Let's look at several of them.

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Identify the most relevant information in prospectuses, including management, objectives, expenses, and shareholder services.

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A mutual fund's shareholder report is part biography, part blueprint, and part ledger book; there is something in it for everyone.

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