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Summary of Long-Term Investing

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Summary of Long-Term Investing

Choosing a long-term investment strategy depends on your investment goals. Investors saving for retirement or college planning have long-term investment goals for which a long-term strategy might be suitable. If you have long-term investment goals, you will need to choose some investments and strategies based on your risk tolerance and desired returns—investments such as growth stocks and long-maturity bonds as well as strategies such as buy and hold and tax sheltering. Finally, before you make a long-term investment, you must keep in mind that along with its benefits may come the drawbacks of limited liquidity and increased business risk.

Practical Ideas I Can Start With Today

  • Identify my investment goals that require long-term investing to realize.
  • Choose long-term investments that provide growth or current income, or a combination of both, over the long term.
  • Use the services of a broker to help me invest for the long term.

What you have learned

  1. Benefits of Long-Term Investing
  2. Drawbacks to Long-Term Investing
  3. Investments Best Suited for Long-Term Investing
  4. Long-Term Investing Strategies

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