Image for Summary of Treasury Inflation-Adjusted Securities

Summary of Treasury Inflation-Adjusted Securities

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Summary of Treasury Inflation-Adjusted Securities

The market for US Treasury securities is actively and highly liquid. As a new type of security, inflation-adjusted securities may not be as well developed and understood as other types of Treasury securities. This could result in larger spreads between what a dealer is willing to pay for an inflation-adjusted security and what sellers are willing to sell them for, leading to higher costs for the common investor. There are still unknowns associated with Treasury inflation-adjusted securities not ordinarily associated with other Treasury notes. For example, what happens if the structure of the CPI-U index is changed? But regardless of the uncertainties, these unique bonds are often considered one of the safest types of investments you can buy.

What you have learned

  1. Bond and Inflation Basics
  2. What Is an Inflation-Adjusted Security?
  3. Characteristics of Inflation-Adjusted Securities
  4. Advantages of Inflation-Adjusted Securities
  5. Taxation of Inflation-Adjusted Securities

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