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Summary of Bonds and Money Market Investments

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Summary of Bonds and Money Market Investments

The predictable earnings and relative lower risk of bonds make them a popular investment for people with a low risk tolerance although bonds, like all investments, do present some risk. Like stocks, bonds come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and they have a place in most investment portfolios. Bonds are issued by both corporations and government units.

Learn more about the risks of fixed-income and money market investments.

Practical Ideas I Can Start with Today

  • Choose a type of bond to research for its features and its earnings power.
  • Purchase a bond either from the original issuer or on the secondary market.
  • Research bond mutual funds as an option for buying bonds.
  • Choose a bond mutual fund to buy.

What you have learned

  1. Money Market Investments
  2. Certificates of Deposit
  3. Savings Bonds
  4. US Government Securities
  5. Municipal Bonds
  6. Corporate Bonds

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