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Compared to mutual funds, exchange-traded funds are ______ to make capital-gains distributions.
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Less likely. However, at times they must, in order to adjust for changes to their underlying indexes.
Exchange-traded funds are a type of mutual fund.
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False. Exchange-traded funds are not mutual funds; they are baskets of securities that are traded on an exchange. They are actually part mutual fund, part stock.
Exchange-traded funds are always cheaper to buy than mutual funds.
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False. If you trade frequently, ETFs will likely be more expensive than mutual funds, due to the commissions.
Exchange-traded funds charge commissions.
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True. Unlike their competitors the no-load index funds, ETFs do charge commissions.
How do investors buy and sell most exchange-traded funds?
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Through a broker. Because these shares trade on an exchange, investors have to go through a broker to buy and sell shares. Only the very wealthy can sell shares back to the sponsoring fund family. And when they do, they won't get cash back, but shares of the ETF's underlying holdings.