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Summary of Budgeting Made Simple

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Summary of Budgeting Made Simple

In this tutorial, we’ve introduced you to some ideas about how simple budgeting can help you get control of your financial affairs and make it easier to pay your bills and save. By taking a look at your ongoing expenses and your paycheck and other income, you can match your income with your expenses and hopefully put some money aside for emergencies, retirement and other important life and financial goals.

Now that you understand the importance of budgeting to maintaining financial responsibility in your life, we’d like to encourage you to adopt budgeting into your life.

Ready to begin? Download this worksheet to get started.




What you have learned

  1. Why Budgets Matter
  2. Preparing to Budget
  3. Building a Budget
  4. Making a Budget and Sticking to It
  5. Fitting a Major Purchase into Your Budget

Find out what you have learned