Image for Summary of Using Morningstar's Rating for Stocks

Summary of Using Morningstar's Rating for Stocks

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Summary of Using Morningstar's Rating for Stocks

Above all, keep in mind that true investing means buying a stake in a superior business at a discounted price and allowing that business to compound in value over a long period of time. It isn't hopping on the latest hot concept hoping for a quick profit. That's why the Morningstar Rating for stocks does not attempt to prognosticate short-term price movements or momentum. Morningstar believes that the long-term value of a stock is tied to how much value the company generates for its shareholders.

What you have learned

  1. What Is Fair Value?
  2. How Does Morningstar Assign Stars?
  3. What Causes a Morningstar Rating to Change?
  4. A Different Valuation Approach

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