Image for Summary of Economic Moats

Summary of Economic Moats

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Summary of Economic Moats

The Bottom Line

While having these five types of moats, or competitive advantages, as guidelines is helpful, there is still a lot of art to determining whether a firm has a moat. At the heart of it, the harder it is for a firm’s advantage to be imitated, the more likely it is to have a barrier to entry in its industry and a defensible source of profit.

What you have learned

  1. How to Build an Economic Moat
  2. Economic Moats: Low-Cost Producers or Economies of Scale
  3. Economic Moats: High Switching Costs
  4. Economic Moats: The Network Effect
  5. Economic Moats: Intangible Assets
  6. Economic Moats: Efficient Scale

Find out what you have learned