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Why is it important to map out what each of your investment goals will cost?
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Calculating the costs of your goals will allow you to see whether you can reach all of your investment objectives. There are no guarantees in investing, just trade-offs..
Which statement is true?
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You may have more portfolios than you have investments. Depending on how many goals you have, you may have more portfolios than you have investments. That's fine.
If you have three financial goals, how many portfolios should you probably have?
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Three. Most of the time, you'll need a different portfolio for each financial goal. If two goals share the same time horizon--say you plan to send your twins to college in 10 years--one portfolio may be able to fund both goals.
What are some benefits of mapping out your investment goals?
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All of the above. All of these are benefits, though not everyone may need to make the tradeoffs.
How many investment goals do most investors have?
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More than one. Although most of us start out with one goal, we often end up with multiple goals as our lives change.