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Prepaid tuition plans let you lock in the cost of college at _______.
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Today's prices. One of the chief attractions of prepaid tuition plans is how they lock in college costs at current prices.
When using a traditional IRA to pay for qualified educational expenses, how much is the early withdrawal penalty?
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There is none. As long as the withdrawal is for qualified educational expenses, there will not be an early withdrawal penalty. However, you may still have to pay taxes on them.
Assuming they are used for qualified educational purposes, withdrawals from a Coverdell education savings account are _______.
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Tax-free. Contributions are taxable, but qualified withdrawals are tax-free.
If you withdraw money from your Roth IRA for college expenses, you might still have to pay taxes on them.
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True. Any earnings that have built up in your account will be taxed. The original contributions in the account will not be taxed, as they were already taxed in the year you put them in.
If you'll be sending your child to college in five years, her college portfolio should _______.
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Resemble an intermediate-term portfolio. A college portfolio should become tamer as the student gets closer to matriculating. The idea is to protect the gains instead of angling for more.
When it comes to qualifying for financial aid, how much money you earn every year will be more important to a financial aid office than your stock portfolio.
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True. Financial aid offices consider income more heavily.
Withdrawals from an UGMA account are taxed at whose rate?
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The recipient's. Withdrawals from an UGMA account are taxed at the recipient's rate.
Who administers a Section 529 plan?
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An investment company. An investment company of the state's choosing administers them.