Image for Summary of Avoiding Portfolio Overlap

Summary of Avoiding Portfolio Overlap

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Summary of Avoiding Portfolio Overlap

Investors often don’t consider portfolio overlap, especially when times are good. Why bother with a winning formula? But finding where your investments are overlapping can help you when times are down. It can also help when a particular market sector is in trouble—as happened with tech stocks in years past. At any given time there is likely to be a sector that comes to dominate growth or value funds. When its day is over, you will be hurting. That’s why you need to deal with portfolio overlap.

What you have learned

  1. Do You Favor One Investment Style over Another?
  2. Do You Have Too Much in Any One Stock?
  3. Do You Favor One or Two Sectors over Others?
  4. Do You Own Multiple Funds Run by the Same Manager or Boutique Family?

Find out what you have learned