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Buying several mutual funds from one fund family limits your paperwork (account statements, tax statements, etc.)
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True. There is more consolidation of paperwork when you stick with one fund family.
No-transaction fee networks charge _______.
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Fund companies for being part of the network. There are no up-front costs with a no-transaction fee network. The networks charge funds for being included, and funds very often pass along these charges to all shareholders (whether or not they invest via a supermarket) in their expense ratios.
Which of the following is not a way financial advisors are compensated?
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A part of the fund manager's fee. Advisors can charge you a fee or get a commission from products, such as mutual funds, that they sell. They can also charge a combination of fees and commissions. They cannot, however, take a portion of the fund manager's fee.
If you use an advisor to buy mutual fund shares for you, he or she will be paid a commission by investing your money in _______.
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Load funds. Load funds come with a sales charge that compensates the advisor for his or her work.
Investing with one of the more diverse fund families or a fund supermarket _______.
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Limits your paperwork. Investing all in one place makes recordkeeping easier and makes moving to and from funds a snap, too. And as long as you stick with one of the largest fund families, you'll have plenty of diversification options, too.