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Which of the following is not a dividend?
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The sale of a mutual fund share. When individual shareholders sell their shares, these shares are not dividends.
Returns of capital are generally taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.
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False. They are generally not taxed at all. However, if the return of capital exceeds the amount of after-tax dollars invested (basis), then they can be taxed as a capital gain.
Mutual funds earn money when investors buy and sell their shares.
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False. Mutual funds earn money when their underlying securities earn money.
Because it is a sum, a total return is positive.
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False. If there has been a substantial loss in net asset value, the sum may be negative.
Reinvested dividends are tax-free because they don't reach the investor.
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False. As long as they are earned, they will be taxed no matter where they end up.
Imagine that a share of your Fund X rises from 20 dollars per share to 30 dollars per share. How much of a capital gain have you made on it?
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10 dollars, but only if you have sold it. Until they have been sold, shares that rise in price will only be profits on paper.