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Which of the following is false?
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You should always insure property against loss. You should only insure property for losses you cannot afford.
Anything _______ that has an adverse effect on your financial goals is financial risk.
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Unexpected. Financial risk involves events that are unexpected.
Premiums for insurance are based partly upon the likelihood of a negative event occurring.
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True. That likelihood, as well as other factors such as the amount of benefits to be paid, determine the premiums you must pay for the insurance.
The more risk you transfer to an insurance company, the _______ your premiums will be.
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Higher. Premiums will rise to compensate the insurance company for taking on your risk.
If you take out a loan and then lose your job shortly afterward, what form of insurance would protect you financially if you default on your loan?
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Credit insurance. Credit insurance is made for scenarios like this.