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When you buy shares of stock in a company, you _______.
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All of the above. Owning stock comes with all these benefits, though it should be noted that dividends are not always guaranteed to be paid.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a cash investment?
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Moderate return. Cash investments have historically provided low returns because they are safe and liquid.
Asset allocation is associated with determining how many stocks you will hold in your stock portfolio.
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False. Asset allocation is associated with determining how much you will allocate to an asset class like stocks, bonds, and cash. The number and types of stocks you have in your portfolio has to do with diversification.
What are some reasons why people invest their money?
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All of the above. These -- and many others -- are the most common reasons people invest their money.
If you own a bond with an interest rate of 4% and rates increase to 5%, what will happen to the value of the bond if you try to sell it?
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It will decrease. If interest rates rise, the price of the bond on the market will decline because investors will seek bonds with these new, higher rates. This occurs with US government bonds too, and if you were to sell it before it matures, you would sell for less than you invested. If you hold the US government bond until its maturity date, you will receive all of your principal back.
Professional management is a benefit of investing in an index mutual fund.
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False. Index funds are passively managed mutual funds, meaning the portfolios simply mirror an index like the SP 500. Actively managed funds have continuous monitoring and management from investment professionals.