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All financial aid is free money.
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False. While some forms of financial aid are free money, many other forms, such as loans and work-study, are not.
What is a good reason for using active verbs rather than passive verbs when describing your experiences on your resume?
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Both of the above. Active verbs generally make you appear more assertive and productive.
LinkedIn is a well-known Website used for professional networking.
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True. As a networking site, you can create a profile on LinkedIn and connect with others. This can lead to opportunities.
Those who earn a bachelor's degree generally earn _______ those with only a high school diploma.
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More money than. As a general rule, with a bachelor's degree, you will earn more money than those with just a high school diploma.
Why is it important to keep an emergency fund when you have a job?
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All of the above. All of these are good reasons to start an emergency fund. It is best to start the fund while you are working so that you can prepare for a possible interruption in your working.