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An associate's degree is generally earned in a _______.
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Two-year program. Associate's degrees are generally earned in two-year programs. Bachelor's degrees are generally earned in four-year programs.
Which of the following descriptions makes you look the most dynamic?
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"Trained six employees". Active verbs such as "trained" (instead of "were trained") show that you are in charge of the activity.
If the amount of your financial aid is more than your expenses for a given semester, you might actually receive a refund check.
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True. But if you do get a refund check, you should be very careful how you spend it, because if it is from a loan, you will have to pay it back with interest eventually.
If you are applying for a job and you have never worked in that field before, what can you use to make an employer consider you?
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All of the above. All of these activities show experience with important skills.
Why is it important to keep an emergency fund when you have a job?
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All of the above. All of these are good reasons to start an emergency fund. It is best to start the fund while you are working so that you can prepare for a possible interruption in your working.