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It is safe to use automatic log-in processes on your computer, because the sites that save your account information and passwords are secure.
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False. Another person can get onto your computer and take advantage of it. Also, not all sites are secure.
The only known danger of medical identity theft is having large medical bills charged to you.
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False. There are other dangers; for example, a thief could put false information on your medical record, which could be life-threatening.
Why might a money-transfer opportunity require that you sign a non-disclosure agreement?
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To prevent you from discussing the deal with other people. This is a common tactic in investment fraud.
Creating artificial demand for a stock and then selling it to make a quick profit is known as _______.
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Pump and dump. Pumping and dumping means creating artificial demand and then selling in order to gain from it.
If someone is looking over your shoulder at an ATM, what might he or she be hoping to see?
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Either your PIN number or your credit card number. A thief might be looking for either of those, or maybe both.
Which law gives a consumer the right to have a credit report item dispute resolved within 30 days?
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Fair Credit Reporting Act. The FCRA gives consumers the right to have disputed information investigated and reported back to them within 30 days.
There are many good reasons to fill out an affidavit with the Federal Trade Commission after your identity has been stolen. One of them is that it can help your creditors investigate fraud on your account.
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True. An FTC affidavit carries some weight with creditors.