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An advantage of _______ is that you can build equity.
Owning a home. When you own a home, the money that you paid on it will be your equity.
A down payment on a home could cost as much as _______ of the actual price of the home.
20%. This is generally the upper limit of a down payment.
The current market value of your home, minus what you owe on it, is commonly known as your _________.
Home equity. Your home equity is the difference between what you own (the current market value of your property) and what you owe on the property.
Mortgage insurance protects your home and its contents.
False. Homeowner insurance is what protects your home and its contents. Mortgage insurance protects the lender who loaned you the money to buy the home in case you default on your payments.
A person whose job it is to help people find an apartment to rent is called _______.
A rental agent. Rental agents find apartments for people to rent.