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Which of the following would make the best core holding for most investors?
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A large-blend fund. Large-blend funds own large companies with middle-of-the-road stock prices, which makes them boring but ideal core choices. Large-value funds and large-growth funds can both be more volatile than large-blend funds at times.
Core companies tend to be ________.
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Financially healthy. This feature helps make them worthy of being core stocks.
Which is the quality of a great core holding?
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Its boring. Core holdings dont make great dinner-party chatter. They do, however, provide the steady returns that your portfolio needs to achieve your goals.
Why might large-growth funds not be the best choice for a core mutual fund?
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They have big price swings. Their big swings mean that they could suffer big losses too.
Core holdings should take up _______ of your portfolio.
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At least two-thirds. As a rule, at least two-thirds is usually advised.