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Value investors identify variables that may push up the price of a value stock in the next two or three years.
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False. Value investors identify variables that may push up the price of a value stock in the near future.
A company's book value is _______.
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The value of its assets minus liabilites. Book value is the value of a company's assets.
Value investing is about measuring a companys past performance, not forecasting its future profits.
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False. Value investing is about measuring a companys capacity and potential for growth.
To evaluate a company, a value investor might look at _______.
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Its book value. A value investor would focus on factors intrinsic to the company to determine its likely future performance.
Value investors aim to assess a stock based on its historical performance in the market.
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False. Value investors aim to assess a stock based on the companys strengths and prospects, independent of the stocks performance.