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In general, bonds have more volatility and higher returns than either stocks or cash.
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False. While bonds may show more volatility than cash, stocks generally have higher returns and volatility than bonds or cash.
The amount of money you invest in an asset depends on _______.
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Both of the above. The way you allocate your money depends on your risk tolerance and time horizon.
You will be penalized for withdrawing money from pension plans before age 73.
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False. You will be penalized if you withdraw your retirement money before age 59½.
Inflation means you will have more spending power in the future than you do today.
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False. Inflation leads to lower spending power in the future.
If you want the safety of low-volatility investments, you will have to accept ________ as well.
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Lower returns. As a rule, the lower the volatility of an investment, the lower the potential return.