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Diversifying your stock portfolio among different companies or _______ can reduce risks that are specific to a company.
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Industries. Sometimes, a problem that hits one company in an industry can hit others in that industry.
An investor can diversify by investing in different regions of the world.
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True. One can diversify in many ways. Choosing different regions is one way.
Risk tolerance is the amount of risk with which you are comfortable.
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True. It determines your choices of investments, among many other things.
The risk of the company in which you invest being destroyed by a passing tornado is an example of _______ risk.
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Unsystematic. A tornado is a natural disaster that is unlikely to affect all industries; hence, it is an unsystematic risk.
Financial advisors suggest diversifying because putting your money into different investments is often the best way to avoid losing large sums of money.
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True. Diversifying spreads risk among several investments.
A fall in price of one security in a diversified portfolio may be offset by an increase in price of another.
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True. Problems in one industry may lead people to seek the products or services of another in your portfolio.
A portfolio with negatively correlated assets reduces volatility.
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True. When some assets fall in value, others will rise in value, and vice versa.