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Short investment time horizons increase the risk of volatile investments.
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True. Holding volatile investments for short periods increases the risk that your investment may not recover from a short-term price drop.
Your child is about to enter college. Which portfolio is likely to be the most successful for your college-fund investments?
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20 percent stocks, 60 percent bonds, 20 percent cash. With a short investment time horizon, youll probably want to have most of your funds invested in less-volatile instruments like bonds.
Investors with long investment time horizons should always pursue volatile investments.
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False. While longer horizons can help overcome short-term market fluctuations, investors who rely on investment capital or income for living expenses or emergency needs should take steps to protect their capital.
Why might an asset allocation that is heavily weighted toward stocks, with only a small portion in bonds, be more appropriate for a 28-year old planning for retirement than for a 60-year old?
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The 28-year old has a longer time horizon, and this will allow him or her to ride out temporary market fluctuations and take advantage of the long-term growth potential in the stock market. The older investor will have less time to make up for any short-term downturns in the stock market.
Which statement best describes the effect of investment time horizon on asset allocation strategies?
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The longer you have to hold an investment, the more risk you can assume. This is true because long-term growth trends will tend to overcome short-term fluctuations in value. This is a key impact of investment time horizon on asset allocation.