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Pre-tax investments shelter your current income from taxation.
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True. The income you invest in pre-tax investments either has no tax withheld or is tax-deductible.
A reasonably intelligent person who studies the tax code from time to time can probably make good decisions about how to shelter investment income from taxes.
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False. Even the simplest workplace retirement plan can have tax implications that require expert advice.
Investments in which earnings are allowed to build tax-free are called ______.
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Tax-deferred. Tax-deferred investments are those in which earnings are allowed to build tax-free until you receive them as income.
Interest paid on dividends, bonds, and bank accounts is generally taxable.
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True. Interest paid on dividends, bonds, and bank accounts is generally taxable as income.
A tax-sheltered account always protects your investment interest from taxes.
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
False. A tax-sheltered account lets interest grow within your account without taxes until it is withdrawn. Once it is withdrawn, it may be taxed.