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Managing risk can help you take advantage of risk without conflicting with your risk tolerance.
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True. Diversification and maximizing your investment time horizon can minimize the negative impact of risk on your investments, allowing you to take on more risk in segments of your investment portfolio.
The risk-return tradeoff concept states that _______.
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The riskier an investment is, the greater its potential return should be. The risk-return tradeoff also states that safe investments usually yield low returns, and vice versa.
A 32-year-old investing for retirement is likely to have _______.
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Aggressive risk tolerance. A 32-year-old investing for retirement has a long time to hold investments; that time will allow long-term growth trends to overcome short-term price fluctuations, giving our investor an aggressive risk tolerance.
All of the following are elements of risk tolerance except _______.
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None of the above. All of these are elements of an investor's risk tolerance.
A 75-year-old couple investing their life savings are likely to have _______.
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Conservative risk tolerance. A 75-year-old couple investing their life savings will need to protect their capital, and are likely to have conservative risk tolerance.