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If you want to increase the deposit on your CD periodically, you can do so by buying _________.
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An add-on CD. With an add-on CD, you can add funds throughout the life of the CD.
Financial institutions are allowed to compound certificate rates as they wish.
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True. They may compound rates daily, weekly, or monthly.
What is the denomination range for small-savings certificates of deposit?
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Less than $100,000. Small-savings CDs may not exceed $100,000.
To be quoted on the NASDAQ, a negotiable certificate of deposit must have a maturity of at least _______.
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14 days. This is the minimum maturity.
If you withdraw your money from a certificate of deposit before the maturity date, you will typically be penalized three to six months interest/dividends.
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True. On the average, the penalty is three to six months worth of earnings.