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The number of mutual fund shares that investors own determines how much of a dividend is passed on to them.
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True. Dividend payments vary according to number of shares owned.
Imagine that a share of your Fund X rises from 20 dollars per share to 30 dollars per share. How much of a capital gain have you made on it?
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10 dollars, but only if you have sold it. Until they have been sold, shares that rise in price will only be profits on paper.
Returns of capital in a mutual fund are paid to augment dividends.
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False. Returns of capital may be paid to investors for any of several reasons, such as excess cash, but not to augment dividends.
The confirmation statement sent to investors after a dividend reinvestment states all but which of the following?
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An investor's capital gains. Capital gain information arrives in a different notice.
Because it is a sum, a total return is positive.
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False. If there has been a substantial loss in net asset value, the sum may be negative.
Ordinary dividends are earned when a mutual fund sells securities for a profit.
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False. Capital gains dividends are earned in this way, but ordinary dividends are distributions of interest or dividends from the fund's holdings.