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When the Social Security Administration sends you your personal Social Security Statement, your estimated benefits will be stated in _______.
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Today's dollars. Your benefits will be stated in today's dollars, per month. However, Social Security benefits rise with inflation; therefore, they will likely be higher when you finally retire.
If your retirement is far away and you decide to switch to more aggressive investments to keep yourself on track, which of the following is least likely to help you?
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Bond funds. Of all the choices, bond funds are the least aggressive.
You can receive Social Security benefits before you reach your full retirement age.
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True. You can, although they will be diminished.
If you find that your portfolio is not on track and you plan to retire in just two years, which typically should not be an option?
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Tweaking your portfolio so that it's more aggressive. You should generally get more aggressive only if your retirement is far enough away--say, 10 or more years off. Otherwise, you may be taking too much risk.
When planning for retirement, compare your expected pension and Social Security income with the amount of income you think you'll need. Then determine whether your current investments will cover the difference between the two figures.
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
True. This is a good place to start.