Image for Introduction to When to Sell an Investment

Introduction to When to Sell an Investment

(1 of 4)

When should you NOT sell? In the heat of the moment; that's when. Keep your cool and make sure you're doing it for good reasons.

What you will learn

  • Bad Reasons to Sell
  • Good Reasons to Sell

What do you know?

Introduction to When to Sell an Investment

When the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunges 500 points in a single day, the knee-jerk reaction is to get out—fast. But just as making an investment occurs only after an extended period of goalsetting and research, selling is also best done only after cool deliberation. Selling is not best done in the heat of crumbling markets.

Develop your selling discipline. That means establishing a set of selling parameters for your investments.

Selling according to pre-established rules forces you to have a good reason for getting out of an investment—a reason that’s based on your personal investment philosophy and the investment selection criteria you’ve laid out.

This course will cover how selling can hurt a portfolio’s performances, some bad reasons to sell an investment, and some good causes for pulling the trigger.