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Investing in a mixed portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash-equivalent instruments is an example of _______.
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Asset allocation. This is the practice of apportioning investment capital among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash-equivalent instruments.
The risk-return tradeoff concept states that _______.
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The riskier an investment is, the greater its potential return should be. The risk-return tradeoff also states that safe investments usually yield low returns, and vice versa.
A 32-year-old investing for retirement is likely to have _______.
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Aggressive risk tolerance. A 32-year-old investing for retirement has a long time to hold investments; that time will allow long-term growth trends to overcome short-term price fluctuations, giving our investor an aggressive risk tolerance.
A 75-year-old couple investing their life savings are likely to have _______.
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Conservative risk tolerance. A 75-year-old couple investing their life savings will need to protect their capital, and are likely to have conservative risk tolerance.
A risk-averse investor _______.
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Takes on only as much risk as necessary. The risk-averse does this to achieve the level of return he or she seeks. Risk-averse investors also wish to maximize the returns they get for the level of risk they take on.