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Which of the following would make a good core stock holding?
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A large-company thats financially strong and growing at a steady rate. This might be boring, but it would be reliable.
Core companies tend to be ________.
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Financially healthy. This feature helps make them worthy of being core stocks.
Should a bond fund be a core holding for you?
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Maybe. It depends on your asset allocation. When it comes to bonds, theres no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on your asset allocation.
All investors should have the same size core holding.
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False. Though different investors and experts will disagree, there is no one size for everyone.
Which of the following would make the best core holding for most investors?
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A large-blend fund. Large-blend funds own large companies with middle-of-the-road stock prices, which makes them boring but ideal core choices. Large-value funds and large-growth funds can both be more volatile than large-blend funds at times.