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If a company you are investing in reports a nice big surprise, what can you expect?
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There will be more surprises. Its not a sure thing, but you can expect more surprises, as there is likely to be a trend going on.
All else equal, you should be most interested in buying _______.
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A wide-moat company with mediocre management. Remember, the economics of a business usually trumps the competence of management.
The stock of a company that is in great shape financially will always be priced accurately.
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False. Though that is the ideal, a stocks price is sometimes higher or lower than what is accurate (that is, what its book value is).
Which of the following should you tune out?
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A prediction on television about where the market will be next year. You should tune out the noise, which includes short-term predictions made by others concerning things that cant be predicted.
Being a stubborn investor will always pay off.
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False. Often, being stubborn will lead to losses. If youre holding a stock whose company is foundering, it may not be wise to hold onto it.