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A patient stock investor watches her _______ most of all.
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Companies. A patient investor pays attention to the companies that issue the stock. Watching stock prices is less helpful.
Which of the following activities is most likely to improve your investing skills?
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Reading one of your companys annual reports. Reading annual reports will help you know more about your companies, which will make you a better investor. By constantly looking at unrealized capital gains, you may be anchoring on an irrelevant data point--the price you paid--concerning the future value of a stock.
A good investor ______.
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Is willing to go against the crowd. The crowd is often -- but not always -- wrong.
When owning a stock, you should evaluate its price relative to the price you paid for it.
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False. The price you paid for it isnt very relevant. What is relevant for evaluating a stocks price is the estimated value of future cash flows.
Which of the following should you tune out?
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A prediction on television about where the market will be next year. You should tune out the noise, which includes short-term predictions made by others concerning things that cant be predicted.